
Showing posts from November, 2018

Inquiry - Video Editing

After planning and filming our product / event for Family Fun Night, today was the day to work our magic and use Adobe Premier Elements to create our advertisement. We're looking forward to sharing them as a class, and perhaps, with time permitting, we can share the best ones with our Year 6 syndicate.

Korean Calligraphy

Today we were lucky enough to have Mrs Youn come in and teach us all about Korean Calligraphy.  What a fantastic two periods of practical learning!

Innovative Games Update

Today we started presenting our games to the class in preparation for Family Fun Night. Wow, the groups that presented today really set the bar high! It was fantastic to see all the children's hard work in planning their innovative games pay off. The class were completely engaged in the games and had an absolute blast playing them. It was also pleasing to observe the children take on different responsibilities in their groups and the leadership skills emerging when presenting to the class. The feedback session after the games played was very purposeful too. The class had loads of positive thoughts from the games and some fantastic ideas for possible improvements. We're really looking forward to playing the rest of the games. Check out these photos of us enjoying our learning!

Cityscape Perspective Art

In Art, we have been learning about Perspective Drawing. Keywords that you can discuss with your child are vanishing point and horizon line. Today we began the draft copies of our Cityscape and focused on the importance of lines.  We learnt that: All lines converge to the vanishing point. There will be parallel lines to the horizon line. There will be perpendicular lines to the horizon. This is a challenging and exciting Art Project and what I loved observing today, was the children helping each other, especially when it came to making our buildings 3D as apposed to 2D. Stay tuned for some amazing art work.....

Team Oldham Values Assembly

Every two weeks the Year 6 team get together and celebrate our learning and the values that are most important to us as a team. Each Values assembly we  recognise the Active Learner of the fortnight. This is a child who displays the many wonderful qualities of an active learner, including, being organised, focused, able to clearly discuss their learning, ask questions, support others, act on feedback given, set goals and achieve them, reflect on their learning and show a positive growth mindset. We have changed our focus and are looking for students who display the most Leadership qualities and values this term. Good students inspires themselves.  Great  students inspire others. In Term 4 Week 6, it was a pleasure to award the following students from our class. Active Learner Award: Benjakarn Perseverance: Adam and Vaneesha

Innovative Games

As part of Writing this week we are thinking ahead to our school's Family Fun Night on Friday 30/11. Each syndicate in the school is responsible for an event or product during the night. Our Year 6 team have decided to run a variety of fun games for the children to play throughout the night.  Each class will create (in groups) their own innovative game. We will present ours to the class (fun) and then choose the two best games to be run on Friday. We started the process by brainstorming as many games as we could think of in our groups. Our plan is to take aspects of games we already know and mix them into a new and innovative game for our class mates to play. We know that for our game to be successful we need to be able to write simple, clear instructions so our players know how to play the game correctly. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting learning...