Welcome to Term 4

We can hardly believe that it is Term 4 already and that in just 9 weeks time we'll almost be  Intermediate students!!

We have such an exciting term ahead of us. I am sure the sun is going to start shining more regularly which will be fantastic for our Summer Sports PE Programme.  I wonder if one of the Room 21 teams can win the Syndicate Sports competition this term?

Our Reading Programme this term will focus on inferring the text, understanding the author's purpose and analysing.

In Writing, we are looking forward to looking at persuasive texts (and linking this with our inquiry) and putting on our imaginative hats and writing some exciting narratives!

In Maths, we will be looking at number initially and towards the end of the term we will look at Geometry.

Camp, of course, is going to be the biggest highlight of our term.  Thanks to everyone in our class for returning both medical and health forms - you're so organised!  Remember camp is 14-16 November at MERC in Long Bay.

It is exciting that already the children have been 'applying' for roles of responsibility for 2019. I handed over a big pile of road patrol monitor and mediator application forms this week!  Good luck guys - I know you will make wonderful leaders next year!


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