Team Oldham Values Assembly

Every two weeks the Year 6 team get together and celebrate our learning and the values that are most important to us as a team.

Each Values assembly we  recognise the Active Learner of the fortnight. This is a child who displays the many wonderful qualities of an active learner, including, being organised, focused, able to clearly discuss their learning, ask questions, support others, act on feedback given, set goals and achieve them, reflect on their learning and show a positive growth mindset.

We have changed our focus and are looking for students who display the most Respect.
Respect for yourself, respect for others, respect for property and environment.

Respect comes in many shapes and forms - think - how can we show respect?  What are the following children doing that have earned themselves this reward?

In Week 8, it was a pleasure to award the following students from our class.

Active Learner Award: Mayling

Respect: Tayla and Valen


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