Welcome to Term 2!

Welcome back everyone!  I really hope you had a wonderful holiday with your gorgeous children.

We are very excited about the term ahead with so many exciting learning activities planned.

This term's focus for Inquiry is Science!  This week we watched some of Scientist Steve Spangler's videos and the children are super excited with the prospect of carrying out some exciting science experiments.

In Reading, we're also looking at texts that relate to the scientific world. The Marshmallows are  investigating our brain and how it controls everything in our body. The Jellybeans are looking into how Rainbows are created and the Fruit Bursts are learning about the devastating effects Wild Weather can have on people and their environment.

In Writing, we will begin with Descriptive pieces. We will be exploring how similes,metaphors, onomatopoeia and hyperbole (to name a few) can create a vivid image in the readers mind.

In P.E we will be focusing on large ball skills and winter sports, including soccer, basketball and netball.

In Maths, we will turn our attention to Multiplication and Division and how we can use a variety of strategies to problem solve. We'll be looking at how to choose the most efficient strategies and explain our thinking to others in our group.

Don't forget to keep on top of your Homework challenges Room 21, as well as your Reading Log and your Maths homework each week. You were all such stars in Term 1 and I know you'll keep it going this term.

It's going to be a great term everyone I'm sure!

Check out these photos below of some of the quality Inquiry title pages and our first Art Challenge - our ANZAC Silhouettes......


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