
Showing posts from April, 2018

Welcome to Term 2!

Welcome back everyone!  I really hope you had a wonderful holiday with your gorgeous children. We are very excited about the term ahead with so many exciting learning activities planned. This term's focus for Inquiry is Science!  This week we watched some of Scientist Steve Spangler's videos and the children are super excited with the prospect of carrying out some exciting science experiments. In Reading, we're also looking at texts that relate to the scientific world. The Marshmallows are  investigating our brain and how it controls everything in our body. The Jellybeans are looking into how Rainbows are created and the Fruit Bursts are learning about the devastating effects Wild Weather can have on people and their environment. In Writing, we will begin with Descriptive pieces. We will be exploring how similes,metaphors, onomatopoeia and hyperbole (to name a few) can create a vivid image in the readers mind. In P.E we will be focusing on large ball ...

Judging for Tahi Rua

Room 21 were very honored to have been chosen by the Teachers and Children from Tahi Rua to be judges in their Design Challenge today. We had the difficult job of choosing just one creation to be the winner!  The children of Tahi Rua had to design and build a vehicle for their toy. The criteria was to look if it enclosed the toy and that the person must have used lots of imagination and effort. Thanks for inviting us Mrs Brown and Mrs Lydiard.  We loved it and we hope we can come back and support your gorgeous class another day soon.

Homework Challenges

WOW! I have been so impressed with the time, effort and energy a lot of the children have been putting into their Homework Challenges.  Here is a small selection of the amazing work that has been done this term so far. How many challenges have you completed?  Are you close to meeting your goal of 3-4 a term?  Will you be one of the lucky children who get an exciting reward in Term 4 for completing 12 challenges?  I sure hope so!

Team Oldham Values Assembly

Every two weeks the Year 6 team get together and celebrate our learning. Each Values assembly we  recognise the Active Learner of the fortnight. This is a child who displays the many wonderful qualities of an active learner, including, being organised, focused, able to clearly discuss their learning, ask questions, support others, act on feedback given, set goals and achieve them, reflect on their learning and show a positive growth mindset. We have changed our focus and are looking for the Students who can display the most Respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, respect for property and environment.  Respect comes in many shapes and forms - think - how can we show respect? In Week 11, it was a pleasure to award the following students from our class. Active Learner Award: Adam Leece Self-Regulated Learners: Jakob Davy and Leo Jung

Senior School Assembly Term 1 Week 10

Congratulations to the following Active Learners from Room 21 who were presented with the Class Certificates at this week's Senior Assembly.   Zoe: for your valuable discussions in Reading over the past few weeks around World War 1. Your contributions are insightful and thought-provoking.  Benjakarn: for the attention to detail you have shown to create a unique self-portrait. Your efforts were rewarded with it being proudly displayed in the library this week. We would also like to congratulate the Room 21 children who were part of the Zone T-Ball teams and received their certificates today! Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight :)