
Showing posts from September, 2018

Team Oldham Values Assembly

Every two weeks the Year 6 team get together and celebrate our learning and the values that are most important to us as a team. Each Values assembly we  recognise the Active Learner of the fortnight. This is a child who displays the many wonderful qualities of an active learner, including, being organised, focused, able to clearly discuss their learning, ask questions, support others, act on feedback given, set goals and achieve them, reflect on their learning and show a positive growth mindset. We have changed our focus and are looking for students who display the most Perseverance. Who can go through Hard to get to Easy? Who will never give up? Who will try their best always? In Term 3 Week 4, it was a pleasure to award the following students from our class. Active Learner Award: Zoe Perseverance: Marcus and Vaanya

Writing - Descriptive Vocabulary

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at how author's use descriptive vocabulary to create vivid images in the reader's mind. On Monday we looked at a piece of writing called, 'What is a Nogard' and had to draw what image we saw in our mind from the writing. The results were so interesting! Today, we created our own crazy creature and will write a description to go with it. Then we are going to buddy up and using the description have our buddy draw what they think the creature looks like. Then we will compare the two pictures and see how similar they are!  Such fun!

Maths - Probability Spinners

In Maths, we have been looking at probability. Today, in pairs, we played a really fun spinner game. We made spinners and divided one in half and labelled it 1 & 2, and divided the second one into thirds and labelled it 1, 2, 3. We had to make a prediction about what we think would happen. During the game we kept track of the score using a tally chart. We spun the spinners and added the total of the two numbers together. If the total was an even number we recorded it in the tally chart and Player A got a point. If the total was an odd number we recorded it in the tally chart and Player B got a point. The first person to get 20 points was the winner. At the end of the game we discussed what happened in our game, how did the results compare to our prediction, did we think the game was fair or not. It was a fun activity and a great way to start the day :)

Team Oldham Values Assembly Term 3 Week 7

Every two weeks the Year 6 team get together and celebrate our learning and the values that are most important to us as a team. Each Values assembly we  recognise the Active Learner of the fortnight. This is a child who displays the many wonderful qualities of an active learner, including, being organised, focused, able to clearly discuss their learning, ask questions, support others, act on feedback given, set goals and achieve them, reflect on their learning and show a positive growth mindset. We have changed our focus and are looking for students who display the most Perseverance. Who can go through Hard to get to Easy? Who will never give up? Who will try their best always? In Term 3 Week 4, it was a pleasure to award the following students from our class. Active Learner Award: Troy Perseverance: Gerald and Scarlett

Senior Assembly Term 3 Week 6

Congratulations to the following Active Learners from Room 21 who were presented with the Class Certificates at this week's Senior Assembly.   Valen: For all the time and effort you put into all aspects of your learning. You are highly organsied, focused and able to manage your time effectively. Holly: for the creativity and imagination you showed in designing your art work for the 'Britomart Tiles' Competition. Your use of colour and line were very effective. Also, a huge congratulations to Troy for showing determination and perseverance in Activ8 today and winning a very special prize from David Curtis. To Natalia for selling heaps and heaps of chocolates and the the Year 6 children involved in the Year 5/6 Netball Zones who receive their winning certificates today.  Looks like ice-cream all round for you guys tonight :)