
Showing posts from July, 2018

Team Oldham Values Assembly

Every two weeks the Year 6 team get together and celebrate our learning and the values that are most important to us as a team. Each Values assembly we  recognise the Active Learner of the fortnight. This is a child who displays the many wonderful qualities of an active learner, including, being organised, focused, able to clearly discuss their learning, ask questions, support others, act on feedback given, set goals and achieve them, reflect on their learning and show a positive growth mindset. We have changed our focus and are looking for students who display the most Perseverance. Who can go through Hard to get to Easy? Who will never give up? Who will try their best always? In Term 3 Week 1, it was a pleasure to award the following students from our class. Active Learner Award: Leo Perseverance: Jakob and Haroon

Traditional Korean Games

As part of our Culture Inquiry this term, we were privileged today to have the expertise of our specialist Korean teacher, teach us 5 exciting traditional Korean games. After introducing them all and explaining how to play them, we got to try them all out.  It was so much fun! We also had the opportunity to fold some 'ddjk ji', which was challenging, but great fun too!  What I think was the best part of this challenge was watching the children problem solve and then support the ones who needed a little bit of help. It was so neat to see that people were confident enough to ask others for help and to offer help when they saw someone who needed it. Check out the photos below of us learning some traditional Korean games.  Thanks Miss Youn!

Welcome to Term 3

Hello and welcome to Term 3 everyone!  I really hope you had a wonderful break over the holidays and were able to relax and connect with family and friends. As always, Term 3 will be as action packed as our other terms and we can;t wait to get on with our term 3 learning journey. Inquiry this term has a focus on culture and heritage. We will have a lot of fun investigating where we come from and what it means to belong to a diverse range of cultures. In Reading, we will initially be focusing on a range of persuasive texts - identifying features and content that makes a piece of writing persuasive. We will also look at drawing our own conclusions and reflecting on what impact we have on a variety of issues and what action we could take to make our world a better place to live in. In Writing, we will continue the persuasive theme. We will look at what makes an effective persuasive argument and what we relevant information we need to include to persuade our reader to our way o...

Science Fair

The class have been working extremely hard over the last few weeks on their Science experiments. Today was a chance to celebrate all their hard work and quality learning.  We hope you had a chance to visit the Science Fair in the Hall today, but in case you didn't here are some photos of the children's work. Wonderful work Room 21 - future Scientists!