A sneak peak into the Intermediate Department....
.....today was such an exciting and engaging day! We got a sneak preview into what learning would be like next year in the Intermediate department today. Each of the Year 6 classes rotated around a variety of exciting activities with the Year 7/8 teachers. Room 21 went to Mr Vella and Miss Albert first and created Jacob's Ladders (a cool wooden toy) as part of their introduction to Design & Technology. Then it was off to see Mr Gover where the children got a taste of Robotics and Minecraft Education (a real highlight). After lunch they went to Food Technology with Mrs Buckley and Mrs Kimber and made pizza (yum!). And what better way to finish the day than with Physical Education and Mrs Sowter. The children are given a wide range of learning and leadership opportunities at MVS and it's fantastic that our Year 6 children can get a taste of what their learning will be like in the next couple of years. A reminder that the Parents Open Evening is on this Thursd...